"Damn all these other people are getting all the airtime, Mike Vick , Barry Bonds , Pac Man Jones I mean I use to be the the most hated n**** alive and now I think people must have forgot...I got to get back on TV...I should be featured on Court TV and not Mike Vick or Maurice Clarrett"

"I can't take it no mo..I need to come up with a way to get back on CNN...I mean even the preachers now are getting airtime for doing stooopid stuff"

"Is that what Juanita Bynum calls an assualt??? A Choking?? Sh** now a days anybody can get on TV for choking..They must have forgot how I did it back in the day...watch me..u see my hand motions ...I still got it..... I perfected the art of choking ...They trying to be like me and they ain't even doing it right...recognize game playa"

"I want to give a shot out to the original domestic violence King.....Ike Turner...I saw how you whooped Tina's @$$ about that birthday cake and I thought that was classic"

"I'll Be Damned, I showed that man how to apply pressure with the index finger and the pinky while resting the fore finger above the trachea...now he gets on TV and he don't know me"

"Man O.J. Stop hatin' I showed you the 1 inch slap...don't get it twisted"

"Say playa if you wanna get back on TV do something stooopid like steal your own stuff back that way they can't charge you because it is your stuff but you will get back on the news"

"Hell Yeah...I mean what do I need? how do I maximize the effect??"

"Go in with a gun, start yellin and acting crazy and cussin like I do in ALL of my movies..They got to feel you...let these mu#$%^&f^&*% know you mean bizness I got Pac Man Jones number if you need it"

"Look At Me Damn it..Yall bout to see me real soon errwhere...I am bout to regain the title like Ali ...I am public enemy #1..I will have more webhits than brittany spears...let me call Geraldo so he can get the exclusive"

"Damn this feels good...do you see my face!!! I am loving this...I am back...slow down Mr. Officer make sure they got me on film!!!"

"Damn it Look At Me!!! Did you see a more happy face for a mug shot??? Mike Vick where you at?? I got CNN on lock you gonna have to do a special ESPN Town Hall live from Atlanta to get me off TV"

"I know my lawyers told me not to talk but....I mean I did not do this..this is just racism...I just happened to be walking thru the hotel and somebody asked me to come up stairs and sign my autograph on some stuff and I realized it was my stuff. I asked for it back and then all these cameras rushed out of the closet. I thought I was on Punk'd but when the police came in I realized this was real...so I was told this will not go to trial until next year so I guess you all will have to get used to seeing me for a while...I'm back"