"What is going on here??? I cannot believe that Lil Zeke would be harassing a woman??? Just look at him ......does he look like a straight man to you??

"That smile looks real suspect"

"Isaiah is more Broke Back Mountain than Gladiator but then again he would not mind being around a bunch of big sweaty mens in tight shorts fighting for they very lives"

"now I ain't gonna let yall talk about Zeke like that without first giving him some type of official scientific test"

"Dammmmmmmn...off the charts!!!! The Gay-Dar don't lie but to be sure let's test it out on this person"

"Your Honor I submit to you that my client could not possibly have sexually harrased this woman or any other woman the Gay-Dar is 99.8% accurate only in the case of Prince is the machine thrown off"

"Well I know all about sexual harrassment like the back of Anita's Hill's.....sorry I digress is there any other witness"

"I know Gay and Isaiah Thomas is not Gay but that Aresenio, he is a real freak"

"Mr Murphy your testimony needs to be verfied by the Gay-Dar machine"

"P. Diddy ain't neva seen Isaiah in no Gay Clubs...Not that I been to those spots"

" Listen Judge, you of all people should recognize sexual harassment and I have never even looked at her booty not one time you can ask any of my man friends "

"Man Friends??? like text smiley faces back and forth man friends???"

"Time Out ! Time Out ! Why can't you text your buddy a smiley face"

"Fool because it ain't natural...like kissing your homeboy before a NBA championship game..that is some pre-meditated gay @$$ sh*t right there..I almost spilled my Moet all over my $3000.oo suit when I seen that happen"

"Now I can explain .....see what happen was.....see it started out as a hug then"

"Ok then why is Dennis Rodman looking like even this is too gay for him to be down with???"

"Hmmmm the evidence is strong I might consider throwing this case out"

"Is this a crime against women ?? you know I am the face of domestic violence"

"Nah , miss thang you think you gonna come up in here and take what I got??? I built this whole platform...Me and Ike did it....you can't just waltz in here and act like you the first woman to get beatdown"